In the studio
Ségals technique in this piece involves cutting and assembling various colored onyxes and marbles into rows, then gluing them together to create a block. After rough cutting the block, intricate detail work is meticulously done by hand over several months until achieving a polished finish. The final step involves revealing the colors through polishing. Working by hand allows for contemplation and the emergence of new ideas during the process.
Butterscotch sundae
The creation of Pink Kelly is a meticulous process, taking many months to complete despite its appearance of mere weeks. The initial cutting is done by hand with a diamond blade, focusing first on flat planes before shaping the interior and curved forms with a hammer and chisel. Detail work, including stitch marks, is painstakingly done using a micro die grinder and hand tools. The piece is then polished to perfection before the final application of gold leafing.
Pink Kelly
Creating this intricate piece was a labor-intensive process, blending classical technnique with contemporary imagery. Initially rough-cut with a CNC machine, meticulous handwork followed to carve slots for the blue lapis inlay, including the logo, which required precise fitting and a surrounding border. Finer carving and detailing ensued, shaping the sensual form of the jersey and addressing all undercuts. After carving, filing, and polishing, the sculpture emerged after 8 months of dedicated effort.
Mets Jersey
This work was created using a water jet machine and then assembled with some carving and polishing. Ségal mainly used semi-precious stones in the sculpture, known for their vibrant colors compared to marble and onyx. Incorporating metal this time and hopefully glass in the future, she blends different materials to create new works. Decades of experience have fueled this creativity, providing a wellspring of ideas for experimentation.